Sunday, February 1, 2015


ATHLETES: they train hard or die trying, am I right? There's something about sports - I find that it doesn't always necessarily build character as often as it reveals it. Think Tim Tebow vs. Ray Rice. So, even though I am a futbol not a football girl, today with the Super Bowl upon us I raise my Stella to you boys and your pigskins. Here's to your hard work, your blood, sweat and maybe even behind-closed-doors-tears; to remembering that it's not always the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog; to not always winning the game but always walking away with respect for how you played the game and learning how to play it better next go round; to getting dirty and fearing no opponent; to perseverance, dedication and sacrifice; to the hustle; to working hard when talent and skill aren't enough; to being motivated and being a team player; to having other people's back; to earning your spot on the team; to achieving greatness and finding the champion in you; to the gridiron, the game and leaving excuses at the door; to focus not fame; to the roar of the crowd; to discipline and passion; to crushing the game and to playing for the name on the front of the shirt so they'll remember the name on the back. Go get 'em boys. 

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