Sunday, February 8, 2015


We make time for the things that matter to us. PERIOD. Whether it be family, fitness, philanthropy, spiritual growth, hobbies, relationships or even our mental health, TIME becomes inexplicably available FOR and TO the things that our hearts most value and desire. The more I experience life and learn to adapt to this ever-changing world around me, with its rollercoaster of ups and downs, I discover this undeniable truth: I must first put the oxygen mask on myself before I can help others. I must find time to replenish and recharge my heart, mind, body and soul before I can serve those around me well. And the truth is that I am not prone to that. It's a challenge for me to put myself first. I am the crumbs; the leftovers and ultimately it only makes things harder. I've also learned that I can't do anything well when I am gasping for air and drowning in over-scheduling, worry and a living in a boundary-less state where my answer is always "yes". It's time to learn to say no and not because we are being selfish and unwilling but because we aren't super human and it's okay to own that we can't be all things to all people. Sometimes being "selfish" is a necessity. So today, this latte; this loud music and these rolled down windows; this solo dance party is just for me so that it can eventually be for you. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015


ATHLETES: they train hard or die trying, am I right? There's something about sports - I find that it doesn't always necessarily build character as often as it reveals it. Think Tim Tebow vs. Ray Rice. So, even though I am a futbol not a football girl, today with the Super Bowl upon us I raise my Stella to you boys and your pigskins. Here's to your hard work, your blood, sweat and maybe even behind-closed-doors-tears; to remembering that it's not always the size of the dog in the fight but the size of the fight in the dog; to not always winning the game but always walking away with respect for how you played the game and learning how to play it better next go round; to getting dirty and fearing no opponent; to perseverance, dedication and sacrifice; to the hustle; to working hard when talent and skill aren't enough; to being motivated and being a team player; to having other people's back; to earning your spot on the team; to achieving greatness and finding the champion in you; to the gridiron, the game and leaving excuses at the door; to focus not fame; to the roar of the crowd; to discipline and passion; to crushing the game and to playing for the name on the front of the shirt so they'll remember the name on the back. Go get 'em boys. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015


I won't stand on a soapbox. You're smart and this is self-explanatory. So today, stop acting aloof because you think it makes you more (fill in the blank), it does just the opposite. It just makes you look like an a-hole. Be nice.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Saturday, January 3, 2015


I don't really know who reads these posts. Sure, there are definitely some friends in the mix but some of you are strangers to me and I to you. I don't know where you live, where you have come from or where you are going. I don't know your "story"; whether you have families, illness, struggles, heartache, infinite joy, paralyzing loneliness or all of the above. I only know that for some reason I am writing something that you are choosing to read. Perhaps it will make you smile, or laugh or cry. Maybe you stumbled upon it and were just curious or bored. Whatever the reason I want you to know that I'm glad we met. I'm glad you are here. With me. Right now. 

I'm glad you saw this today so that you know that THIS is all in good fun. THIS can be light-hearted. THIS can be heavy but at the end of the day, this is one woman's thoughts: my transparency and vulnerability. It is an expression of the things that I love, fear, hate, wrestle with, weep about, laugh about and mostly need to let out.

I believe that authenticity is what life's about. And even if you've forgotten that, find that girl or guy in there who knows better - the person who knows that the BEST accessory is their smile, their open heart; their REAL self. Find the person who knows that nothing on the outside can make you beautiful if the inside is dark and bitter and hidden from truth. Find the person who knows that you CAN face tomorrow. Because we will. Together. 

Maybe you fell, hell, maybe you're like me and you've fallen so many times you wonder IF and HOW you keep standing up again. But if you rise (again), you might just be stronger this time or the time after. Just don't give up. Maybe that "lesson" you learned could give you wings to fly? Maybe you don't need the encouragement at all. . .but then again, maybe you do. 

Friday, January 2, 2015


Yeah. . .that's how I ended up here. Or back here I should say. . .

Welcome to Tenacious E. 

This is a home for wanderlust. A sanctuary for the dreamer; the poet; the romantic fantasizer; for the creative and innovative mind; for the ones who discover beauty beyond the walls of a museum in a graffiti street artists's work; for the ones who sense the timbre and tones in music and dance; who savor the flavors in food, culture and life abroad. 

This is a home for you. 

But not JUST "Saturday night you" - this is also an escape for everyday you - the Lululemon-wearing-wanna-bring-up-the-heat-quotient-and-bring-down-the-house you. It's a place of freedom - a land of Nod, if you will, for inspiration, encouragement, daydreaming, confidence, empathy and reverie. Pick your poison my dears but I hope that  you will join me for the journeys - whatever they might be - moments of self expression, thoughts on travel, experiences, family. . .life. Only, before you follow me down the rabbit hole, know this: these are musings, just one person's thoughts on which you may agree or disagree, chose to read or ignore. For me, it is the prodigal return to my first love: writing. So, here we go. . .what's the worst that can happen?? Let's find out!